Long Sleeve Dress

Wild Gladiator's Raiment of Cruelty
Felgrease-Smudged Robes
Felgrease-Smudged Robes (Mythic)
Wild Gladiator's Silk Robe - Mage
Wild Combatant's Robes of Prowess
Sooty Felcult Robes
Wild Combatant's Robes of Prowess
Wild Gladiator's Satin Robe - Priest
Raiment of Divine Clarity (Mythic)
Wild Gladiator's Robes of Prowess
Raiment of Divine Clarity (Heroic)
Wild Gladiator's Robes of Prowess
Raiment of Divine Clarity
Ancient Gorestained Wrap (Heroic)
Ancient Gorestained Wrap
Wild Gladiator's Felweave Raiment - Warlock
Wild Gladiator's Felweave Raiment - Warlock
Wild Gladiator's Felweave Raiment - Warlock
Ancient Gorestained Wrap (Mythic)
Primal Gladiator's Felweave Raiment - Warlock
Primal Gladiator's Robes of Prowess (Horde)
Mountainsage Robe
Communal Robe
Hexweave Robe
Hexweave Robe
Hexweave Robe
Sumptuous Robes
Ariya's Auspicious Robe
Robes of Hooded Nightmares
Fireflash Robes
Woundsear Robes (Heroic)
Robes of Necrotic Whispers (Heroic)
Robes of Necrotic Whispers (Mythic)
Woundsear Robes (Mythic)
Primal Gladiator's Felweave Raiment - Warlock
Primal Gladiator's Felweave Raiment - Warlock
Primal Gladiator's Mooncloh Robe
Primal Gladiator's Robes of Prowess
Prideful Gladiator's Satin Robe - Priest
Prideful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards - Warlock
Prideful Gladiator's Silk Robe - Mage
Robes of Necrotic Whispers
Woundsear Robes
Replica Knight Captain's Dreadweave Robe - Warlock
Replica Knight-Captain's Silk Raiment - Mage
Replica Knight-Captain's Satin Robes - Priest
Replica Field Marshal's Silk Vestments - Mage
Replica Field Marshal's Satin Vestments - Priest
