2h Sword

Lionheart Executioner, Reborn
Lionheart Champion, Reborn
Lionheart Blade, Reborn
Greatsword of Forlorn Visions
Illidari-Bane Claymore
Sha'tari Longsword
Lightbreaker Greatsword
Crude Umbrafen Blade
Darkened Broadsword
Vengeance Blade
Skeletal Broadsword
Serpentlord Claymore
Merciless Gladiator's Greatsword
Vindicator's Letter Opener
Blade of the Hand
Khorium Champion
Fel Iron Greatsword
Mercenary Greatsword
Dragonbone Greatsword
Sin'dorei Warblade
Kalimdor's Revenge
Manslayer of the Qiraji
Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
The Untamed Blade
Replica High Warlord's Greatsword
Replica Grand Marshal's Claymore
Obidian Edged Blade
Fel Orc Brute Sword
Proof of Death
Bonereaver's Edge
Helboar Carving Blade
Massacre Sword
Gallant Flamberge
Beheading Blade
