
Nub's Wand
Spider Frier
Vicious Gladiator's Baton of Light
Vicious Gladiator's Touch of Defeat
Wand of Imagination
Archivist's Lighter
Indiscriminate Wand
Scribe's Quill
Wand of Separation
Theresa's Booklight
Finkle's Mixer Upper
Cookie's Stirring Stick
Wand of Infectious Dementia
Star Shooter
Mystic Riverpaw Wand
Crawling Wand
Rage of Lo'Gosh
Darklight Torch
Wand of Untainted Power
Wand of Dark Worship
Thondroril Wand
Beach-Sweeper Wand
Sishir Wand
Corla's Baton
Suppressor's Wand
Pot Stirrer
Groady Goblin Wand
Lana'thel's Bloody Nail
Wrathful Gladiator's Baton of Light
Wrathful Gladiator's Piercing Touch
Wrathful Gladiator's Wand of Alacrity
Wrathful Gladiator's Touch of Defeat
Wand of Ruby Claret
Nightmare Ender
Corpse-Impaling Spike
Scepter of Imprisoned Souls
