
Selfess Collector's Ward
Doubt Tinged Deflector
Sinful Gladiator's Guard
Chyrus's Crest of Hope
Bulwark of the Unbowed (Mythic)
Bulwark of the Unbowed
Sinful Gladiator's Bulwark
Night Courtier's Barrier
Winterborn Bulwark
Bulwark of the Wild Hunt
Corrupted Gladiator's Shield Wall
Corrupted Gladiator's Shield Wall
Precipice of Oblivion (Mythic)
Precipice of Oblivion (Heroic)
Precipice of Oblivion (LFR)
Precipice of Oblivion
Notorious Aspirant's Shield Wall
Great Reef Barrier (Heroic)
Great Reef Barrier (Mythic)
Great Reef Barrier (LFR)
Great Reef Barrier
Coralspine Bulwark
Notorious Gladiator's Shield Wall
Bulwark of the Seaborn Avatar (Heroic)
Bulwark of the Seaborn Avatar (Mythic)
Bulwark of the Seaborn Avatar (LFR)
Bulwark of the Seaborn Avatar
Notorious Gladiator's Shield Wall
Salvaged Mekacycle Shielding (Heroic)
Salvaged Mekacycle Shielding (Mythic)
Reinforced Grease Deflector
Blockade Bulwark (Heroic)
Blockade Bulwark (LFR)
Blockade Bulwark
Blockade Bulwark (Mythic)
Sinister Aspirant's Shield Wall
Sentinel's Bulwark
Sinister Gladiator's Shield Wall
Oswain's Impassive Guard
Vector Deflector
Vector Deflector (Mythic)
Vector Deflector (LFR)
Vector Deflector (Heroic)
Barricade of Purifying Resolve (LFR)
Barricade of Purifying Resolve (Heroic)
Barricade of Purifying Resolve
Barricade of Purifying Resolve (Mythic)
Targe of the Ancient Warder (Mythic)
