Long Cloaks

Sinister Aspirant's Shawl (Horde)
Plaguebringer's Drape (Horde)
Sinister Aspirant's Greatcloak (Horde)
Fierce Gladiator's Dreadcloak - Death Knight
Fierce Gladiator's Dreadcloak - Death Knight
Fierce Gladiator's Dragonhide Cloak - Druid
Fierce Gladiator's Dragonhide Cloak - Druid
Fierce Gladiator's Drape of the Tracker - Hunter
Fierce Gladiator's Drape of the Tracker - Hunter
Fierce Gladiator's Ironskin Cloak - Monk
Fierce Gladiator's Shadowcape - Rogue
Fierce Gladiator's Totemic Cloak - Shaman
Fierce Gladiator's Totemic Cloak - Shaman
Fierce Gladiator's Cloak of Battle - Warrior
Fierce Gladiator's Cloak of Battle - Warrior
Fierce Gladiator's Shadowcape - Rogue
Fierce Combatant's Leather Cloak
Fierce Combatant's Plate Cloak
Fierce Combatant's Plate Cloak
Cloak of the Master at Arms
Greatcloak of the Dark Pantheon (Mythic)
Dreadwake Greatcloak - Death Knight
Dreadwake Greatcloak - Death Knight
Dreadwake Greatcloak - Death Knight
Bearmantle Cloak - Druid
Bearmantle Cloak - Druid
Serpentstalker Drape - Hunter
Serpentstalker Drape - Hunter
Serpentstalker Drape - Hunter
Serpentstalker Drape - Hunter
Cloak of Chi'Ji - Monk
Cloak of Chi'Ji - Monk
Cloak of Chi'Ji - Monk
Cloak of Chi'Ji - Monk
Light's Vanguard Greatcloak - Paladin
Light's Vanguard Greatcloak - Paladin
Light's Vanguard Greatcloak - Paladin
Light's Vanguard Greatcloak - Paladin
Cloak of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Cloak of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Cloak of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Cloak of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Drape of Venerated Spirits - Shaman
Drape of Venerated Spirits - Shaman
Drape of Venerated Spirits - Shaman
Drape of Venerated Spirits - Shaman
Juggernaut Cloak - Warrior
Juggernaut Cloak - Warrior
