Cloth Shoulders
Mantle of Tirisgarde - Mage
Amice of the Black Harvest - Warlock
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Amice - Warlock
Shoulderpads of Whispering Twilight (Heroic)
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Amice - Warlock
Shoulderpads of Whispering Twilight
Shoulderpads of Whispering Twilight (Mythic)
Shoulderpads of Whispering Twilight (Raid Finder)
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Mantle - Priest
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Mantle - Priest
Mantle of Broken Spirits
Mantle of Broken Spirits (Raid Finder)
Mantle of Broken Spirits (Heroic)
Mantle of Broken Spirits (Mythic)
Cruel Gladiator's Silk Amice - Mage
Cruel Gladiator's Silk Amice - Mage
Mantle of the Arcane Tempest - Mage
Spaulders of Forgotten Worlds
Mantle of the Arcane Tempest - Mage
Mantle of the Arcane Tempest - Mage
Cruel Combatant's Cloth Mantle
Vileweave Amice
Caretaker's Budding Mantle
Cruel Combatant's Cloth Mantle
Riven Priesthood Amice
Celumbra, the Night's Dichotomy
Zealous Felslinger's Epaulets
Fierce Gladiator's Silk Amice - Mage
Fierce Gladiator's Silk Amice - Mage
Corrupted Mantle of the Felseekers
Corrupted Mantle of the Felseekers (Heroic)
Corrupted Mantle of the Felseekers (Raid Finder)
Corrupted Mantle of the Felseekers (Mythic)
Fierce Gladiator's Felweave Amice - Warlock
Soul-Siphon Mantle (Heroic)
Soul-Siphon Mantle
Fierce Gladiator's Felweave Amice - Warlock
Soul-Siphon Mantle (Raid Finder)
Soul-Siphon Mantle (Mythic)
Fierce Gladiator's Satin Mantle - Priest
Fallen Avenger's Amice (Heroic)
Fallen Avenger's Amice (Raid Finder)
Fallen Avenger's Amice
Fierce Gladiator's Satin Mantle - Priest
Fallen Avenger's Amice (Mythic)
Fierce Combatant's Cloth Mantle
Doomsinger Mantle
Viceroy's Umbral Mantle