Full Length Pants

Demonbane Leggings - Demon Hunter
Cruel Gladiator's Felskin Legguards - Demon Hunter
Legguards of Unholy Disdain
Demonbane Leggings - Demon Hunter
Cruel Gladiator's Felskin Legguards - Demon Hunter
Demonbane Leggings - Demon Hunter
Sucker-Scarred Leggings (Raid Finder)
Sucker-Scarred Leggings (Heroic)
Sucker-Scarred Leggings (Mythic)
Sucker-Scarred Leggings
Breeches of the Shattered Abyss - Demon Hunter
Splotched Bloodfur Leggings (Raid Finder)
Trousers of Cultivation (Raid Finder)
Gnawed Nightfallen Britches
Parachute Pants
Repulsive Leathery Pants (Raid Finder)
Repulsive Leathery Pants (Heroic)
Repulsive Leathery Pants
Vindictive Gladiator's Felskin Legguards - Demon Hunter
Vindictive Gladiator's Felskin Legguards - Demon Hunter
Repulsive Leathery Pants (Mythic)
Felshroud Pants
Trousers of Cultivation
Trousers of Cultivation (Heroic)
Vindictive Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards - Druid
Vindictive Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards - Druid
Trousers of Cultivation (Mythic)
Gnawed Nightfallen Britches (Mythic)
Gnawed Nightfallen Britches (Raid Finder)
Gnawed Nightfallen Britches (Heroic)
Vindictive Gladiator's Ironskin Legguards - Monk
Splotched Bloodfur Leggings
Caustic Titanspite Legguards (Heroic)
Caustic Titanspite Legguards (Raid Finder)
Fierce Gladiator's Felskin Legguards - Demon Hunter
Fierce Gladiator's Felskin Legguards - Demon Hunter
Caustic Titanspite Legguards (Mythic)
Splotched Bloodfur Leggings (Heroic)
Vindictive Gladiator's Leather Legguards - Rogue
Vindictive Gladiator's Leather Legguards - Rogue
Splotched Bloodfur Leggings (Mythic)
Warhide Pants
Vindictive Combatant's Leather Legguards
Vindictive Combatant's Leather Legguards
Leggings of Sacrifice - Demon Hunter
Leggings of Sacrifice - Demon Hunter
Ambervale Britches
Dreadhide Leggings
