Mail Chests
Earthfury Vestments - Shaman
Giantstalker's Breastplate - Hunter
Bloodsoul Breastplate
Dragonstalker's Breastplate - Hunter
Striker's Hauberk - Hunter
Stormcaller's Hauberk - Shaman
Breastplate of Ten Storms - Shaman
Replica Vest of The Five Thunders
Icy Scale Chestguard
Wrathfin Armor
Fenclaw Armor
Vest of Living Lightning
Warpstalker Breastplate
Fel Iron Chain Tunic
Shamblehide Chestguard
Scaled Draenic Vest
Auchenai Tracker's Hauberk
Ironspine Chain Vest
Golden Dragonstrike Breastplate - Requires Leatherworking
Der'izu Chestpiece
Crimson Mail Hauberk
Garmaul Chestpiece
Sundered Chestpiece
Laughing Skill Battle-Harness
Spiked Magmoth Chestpiece
Nerubian Chestguard
Azure Chain Hauberk
Tundrastrider Ringmail
Njord Chain Vest
Felstalker Breastplate
Cyclone Hauberk - Shaman
Demon Stalker Harness - Hunter
Gladiator's Chain Armor - Hunter
Gladiator's Ringmail Armor - Shaman
Tidefury Chestpiece
Breast Lord Cuirass
Rift Stalker Hauberk - Hunter
Shard Encrusted Breastplate
Worldfire Chestguard
Harness of the Deep Currents
Cataclysm Chestguard - Shaman
Chestguard of Relentless Storms
Vest of Mounting Assault
Skyshatter Chestguard - Shaman
Gronnstalker's Chestguard
Golden Links of Restoration
Earthblood Chestguard
Scaled Breastplate of Carnage