Full Length Pants

Stormbrew Leggings
Legguards of the Howling Beast - Hunter
Subetai's Pillaging Leggings (Raid Finder)
Spearman's Jingling Leggings (Raid Finder)
Spearman's Jingling Leggings
Sparkstring Chain Leggings (Heroic)
Legguards of Scintillating Scales
Legguards of Awaked Repair (Heroic)
Legguards of Scintillating Scales (Raid FInder)
Tyrannical Gladiator's Chain Leggings - Hunter
Grievous Gladiator's Chain Leggings - Hunter
Grievous Gladiator's Chain Leggings (Elite) - Hunter
Leggings of Celestial Harmony - Shaman
Leggings of Celestial Harmony - Shaman
Leggings of Celestial Harmony - Shaman
Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards - Hunter
Soldier's Leggings
Veteran Leggings
Cadet Leggings
Nexus-Strider Legwraps
Rough Bronze Leggings
Lambent Scale Legguards
Dreamsinger Legguards
Battleforge Legguards
Glimmering Mail Legguards
Silvered Bronze Leggings
Green Iron Leggings
Banded Leggings
Golden Scale Leggings
Phalanx Leggings
Pillager's Leggings
Renegade Leggings
Knight's Legguards
Legguards of the Vault
Mithril Scale Pants
Skymaster's Pants
Ghostcaller's Leggings
Wet Suit Leggings
Bloodmail Legguards
Silvermoon Leggings
Khan's Legguards
Warmonger's Leggings
Electifired Leggings
Dragonstrike Leggings
Pounding Leggings
Windforged Leggings
Snowden Legwraps
Outrider Chainmail
