Items from this set are drops from the ICC 5-man dungeons Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Relection.
- Head: Bronjahm (Forge Heroic) or Scourgelord Tyrannus (Pit)
- Shoulders: Forgemaster Garfrost (Pit Heroic)
- Chest: Marwyn (Halls Heroic)
- Hands: Lich King Event (Halls Heroic)
- Wrists: Devourer of Souls (Forge Heroic) or Scourgelord Tyrannus (Pit)
- Waist: Scourgelord Tyrannus (Pit Heroic) or Ick (Pit)
- Legs: Marwyn (Halls)
- Feet: Falric (Halls Heroic) or Falric (Halls)