Plate Chests
The Exarch's Protector
Reaver Armor
Fel Iron Breastplate
Redeemer's Plate
Talonguard Armor
Khan'aish Breastplate
Bogslayer Breastplate
Breastplate of Blade Turning
Demon-Forged Chestguard
Light-Touched Breastplate
Icebane Chestguard
Replica Breastplate of Heroism
Replica Soulforge Breastplate
Thick Obsidian Breastplate
Breastplate of Annihilation
Silithid Carapace Chestguard
Breastplate of Wrath - Warrior
Avenger's Breastplate - Paladin
Judgement Breastplate - Paladin
Darksoul Breastplate
Lawbringer Chestguard - Paladin
Breastplate of Might - Warrior
Exalted Harness
Hyperion Armor
Battlemaster's Breastplate
Protectorate Breastplate
Fire Scarred Breastplate
Ango'rosh Breastplate
Bloodscale Breastplate
Warleader's Breastplate
Darkrune Breastplate
Replica Lightforge Breastplate
Replica Breastplate of Valor
Commander's Armor
Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
Grimscale Armor
Heroic Armor
Imbued Plate Armor
Runic Breastplate
Glorious Breastplate
Surwich Breastplate
Chestplate of the Risen Soldier
Acherus Knight's Tunic - Death Knight
Emerald Breastplate
Imperial Plate Chest
Plate of the Shaman King
Dark Iron Plate
Vanguard Breastplate