Items from this Hunter Tier 1 recolor set are obtained from various Burning Crusade dungeons.
- Head: Lieutenant Drake - Heroic: The Escape From Durnholde, or purchased with JP
- Shoulders: Commander Sarannis - The Botanica
- Chest: Temporus - The Black Morass
- Wrists: Quest - Utgard Keep, Keli'dan the Breaker - Heroic Blood Furnace, Shirrak the Dead Watcher - Heroic Auchenai Crypts, or Selin Fireheart - Magister's Terrace
- Waist: Grand Warlock Nethekurse - The Shattered Halls, or Hungarfen - Heroic The Underbog
- Legs: The Black Stalker - Heroic The Underbog
- Feet: Watchkeeper Gargolmar - Heroic Hellfire Ramparts