Items from this paladin Tier 1 look-alike set are obtained from various Burning Crusade Dungeons.
- Head: Keli'dan the Breaker - Heroic The Blood Furnace
- Shoulders: Nexus-Prince Shaffar - Heroic Mana-Tombs
- Chest: Quagmirran - Heroic The Slave Pens
- Hands: Nexus-Prince Shaffar - Heroic Mana-Tombs / Quest - Shadowmoon Valley
- Wrists: Watchkeeper Gargolmar - Heroic Hellfire Ramparts
- Waist: Ghaz'an - Heroic The Underbog
- Legs: Blackheart the Inciter - Shadow Labyrinth
- Feet: Ambassador Hellmaw - Shadow Labyrinth