
Items from this Shaman Level 70 PvP set are obtained from various Burning Crusade faction vendors with honored reputation. Look-alike pieces are also available from various sources. The look-alike chest is only a top, the set pieces are robes.

  • Head: Thrallmar/Honor Hold, Keepers of Time, The Sha'Tar
  • Shoulders: Cenarion Expedition, Keepers of Time, The Sha'Tar
  • Chest: Thrallmar/Honor Hold, Lower City, The Sha'Tar
  • Hands: Thrallmar/Honor Hold, Lower City, Cenarion Expedition
  • Legs: Lower City, Cenarion Expedition, Keepers of Time

Look-alikes -

  • Head: Argent Crusade - Revered
  • Chest: Netherspite - Karazhan
  • Hands: Maiden of Virtue - Karazhan
  • Legs: Chess Event - Karazhan (Leggings) or General Bjarngrim - Heroic Halls of Lightning (Kilt)