2h Sword
Lionheart Executioner, Reborn |
Lionheart Champion, Reborn |
Lionheart Blade, Reborn |
Greatsword of Forlorn Visions |
Endbringer |
Illidari-Bane Claymore |
Sha'tari Longsword |
Lightbreaker Greatsword |
Crude Umbrafen Blade |
Darkened Broadsword |
Vengeance Blade |
Skeletal Broadsword |
Serpentlord Claymore |
Merciless Gladiator's Greatsword |
Vindicator's Letter Opener |
Blade of the Hand |
Khorium Champion |
Fel Iron Greatsword |
Mercenary Greatsword |
Dragonbone Greatsword |
Sin'dorei Warblade |
Kalimdor's Revenge |
Manslayer of the Qiraji |
Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds |
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood |
The Untamed Blade |
Replica High Warlord's Greatsword |
Replica Grand Marshal's Claymore |
Obidian Edged Blade |
Fel Orc Brute Sword |
Proof of Death |
Bonereaver's Edge |
Helboar Carving Blade |
Massacre Sword |
Gallant Flamberge |
Beheading Blade |