Long Cloaks

Cape of Azure Fury
Doomblade Shadowwrap - Rogue
Doomblade Shadowwrap - Rogue
Cloak of Sweltering Flame
Cloak of Multitudinous Sheaths (Mythic)
Cruel Gladiator's Dragonhide Cloak - Druid
Cruel Gladiator's Dragonhide Cloak - Druid
Cruel Gladiator's Drape of the Tracker - Hunter
Cruel Gladiator's Drape of the Tracker - Hunter
Fierce Gladiator's Silken Shawl - Mage
Cruel Gladiator's Greatcloak of Faith - Paladin
Cruel Gladiator's Greatcloak of Faith - Paladin
Cruel Gladiator's Drape of Piety - Priest
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Cloak - Warlock
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Cloak - Warlock
Cruel Gladiator's Cloak of Battle - Warrior
Cruel Gladiator's Cloak of Battle - Warrior
Demonbane Shroud - Demon Hunter
Demonbane Shroud - Demon Hunter
Demonbane Shroud - Demon Hunter
Stormheart Drape - Druid
Stormheart Drape - Druid
Wildstalker Cape - Hunter
Wildstalker Cape - Hunter
Wildstalker Cape - Hunter
Radiant Lightbringer Cape - Paladin
Radiant Lightbringer Cape - Paladin
Radiant Lightbringer Cape - Paladin
Radiant Lightbringer Cape - Paladin
Shawl of Blind Absolution - Priest
Diabolic Shroud - Warlock
Diabolic Shroud - Warlock
Diabolic Shroud - Warlock
Diabolic Shroud - Warlock
Titanic Onslaught Cloak - Warrior
Titanic Onslaught Cloak - Warrior
Titanic Onslaught Cloak - Warrior
Titanic Onslaught Cloak - Warrior
Gossamer-Spun Greatcloak (Raid Finder)
Dreadwyrm Greatcloak - Death Knight
Cloak of Enveloped Dissonance - Monk
Eagletalon Cloak - Hunter
Cloak of Shackled Elements - Shaman
Cloak of Shackled Elements - Shaman
Cloak of Azj'Aqir - Warlock
Greatcloak of the Obsidian Aspect - Warrior
Cape of Second Sight - Demon Hunter
Dreadlord's Tattered Wingcover (Mythic)
