Cosmetic (Hands)

Foresworn Aspirant's Handwraps
Battlefield Messenger's Handwraps
Devoted Aspirant's Handwraps
Aspiring Aspirant's Handwraps
Harvester's Court Handwraps
Renathal's Battlefield Handwraps
Radiant Court Handwraps
Sinfall Venthyr Handwraps
Court Inquisitor's Handwraps
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Handwraps
Redeemed Inquisitor's Handwraps
Sinful Inquisitor's Handwraps
Rogue Necromancer's Handwraps
Marileth's Assistant's Handwraps
Initiate's Necromantle Handwraps
Frontline Necromancer's Handwraps
Azure Dusk Handwraps
Handwraps of the Twilight Grove
Handwraps of Fall's Promise
Pure Sight Handwraps