Large Belts

Belt of the Eternal (Horde)
Cord of Biting Cold (Horde)
Icehowl Binding (Horde)
Cephalopod's Sash (LFR)
Cephalopod's Sash (Mythic)
Cephalopod's Sash (Heroic)
Cephalopod's Sash
Deeptide Cinch
Vim's Scalecrusher Belt
Binding of Dark Heresies (Heroic)
Binding of Dark Heresies (LFR)
Corrupted Gladiator's Silk Sash
Binding of Dark Heresies (Mythic)
Binding of Dark Heresies
Honorbound Artificer's Cord (Horde)
Dread Gladiator's Silk Sash (Horde)
Honorbound Artificer's Cord (Horde)
Dread Aspirant's Silk Cord (Horde)
Honorbound Artificer's Cord (Horde)
Cord of Zandalari Resolve (Mythic)
Sinister Aspirant's Silk Cord (Horde)
Plaguebringer's Cord (Horde)
Plaguebringer's Cord (Horde)
Fen Spirit Cinch
Skycaller Sash
Saurifeather Belt
Knight Captain's Waistcord (Heroic)
Knight Captain's Waistcord
Sea Priest's Waistcord
Knight Captain's Waistcord (Mythic)
Fierce Combatant's Cloth Cord
Cord of Unraveling Reality
Sash of the Unredeemed (Raid Finder)
Sash of the Unredeemed
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Cord - Priest
Cord of the High Priest - Priest
Antiquated Highborn Cinch (Raid Finder)
Doomsinger Sash
Cinch of Freezing Fog (Heroic)
Fierce Combatant's Cloth Cord
Cord of Blossoming Petals (Mythic)
Fierce Gladiator's Satin Cord - Priest
Cord of Blossoming Petals
Cord of Blossoming Petals (Raid Finder)
Cord of Blossoming Petals (Heroic)
Fierce Gladiator's Satin Cord - Priest
Zealous Felslinger's Girdle
Sash of the Unredeemed (Mythic)
