Mid Sleeve Shirt

Witherheart Studded Breastplate
Witherheart Studded Breastplate (LFR)
Unchained Gladiator's Leather Jerkin
Witherheart Studded Breastplate (Mythic)
Witherheart Studded Breastplate (Heroic)
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Leather Tunic
Runetender Tunic
Hide of Krengaath
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Tunic
Corpsehide Vest
Soulbearer's Vest
Deathstalker's Jerkin (Horde)
Sinister Aspirant's Leather Tunic (Horde)
Whirling Dervish Vest
Raiment of the Blighted Tribe (Heroic)
Vest of the Azerothian Champion
Raiment of the Blighted Tribe
Dread Aspirant's Leather Tunic
Dread Gladiator's Leather Vest
7th Legionnaire's Vest
Gore-Splattered Vest (Mythic)
Gore-Splattered Vest
Gore-Splattered Vest (Heroic)
Raiment of the Blighted Tribe (Mythic)
Felshroud Vest
Chestguard of the Uncrowned - Rogue
Fierce Gladiator's Leather Tunic - Rogue
Imp-Overseer's Vest
Vest of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Vest of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Vest of the Dashing Scoundrel - Rogue
Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Tunic - Monk
Primal Gladiator's Tunic
Lightdrinker Jerkin
Karabor Skirmisher Vest
Coldsnout Jerkin
Daggerjaw Jerkin
Supple Vest
Supple Vest
Supple Vest
Thrice-Tanned Tunic
Chestguard of Falling Leaves
Crystalbinder Chestguard
Vest of Forceful Fury (Mythic)
Primal Gladiator's Ironskin Tunic - Monk
Primal Gladiator's Tunic
Wicked Leather Armor
Primal Combatant's Tunic
